Why choose Zielfeuer ?

We can look back on multi-year experience in the field of OKR. 

We are well networked in the international OKR scene and therefore have access to a number of professional resources.

With our dedicated & diverse team, we are equipped for every challenge in your company.

We take time for you and your concerns. This is how we guarantee individual and personal advice.

Our story

„A successful company must achieve two things:
It needs to know where it wants to be in 5-10 years' time.It must clearly define the concrete steps to be taken in the next three months.“

These words marked the beginning of the introduction of the OKR method in 2016 and kicked off an exciting journey as a business coach. Since then, this goal-setting method has not only been successfully implemented myself, but also successfully applied with various clients.

With great passion for the topic, the step was finally taken in 2021 to found a new company that focuses, among other things, on expanding the "OKRs.wien" brand. With a motivated team and as an official Global Partner of okrs.com / Ben Lamorte, we are now ready to support fast-growing companies on their journey in the best possible way.

Steadily growing

In 2022, after many years of experience and the successful development of a 15-strong consulting firm, the new company was founded: Zielfeuer. Since then, Zielfeuer Consulting has specialized in OKRs, among other things, and is the owner of the okrs.wien brand.

Global Partner of Ben Lamorte

We are particularly pleased that our founder Christian Rois has recently been listed as an official partner of okrs.com and can therefore draw on a broad international network when working with customers.

It all began in 2016

Our first contact with Objectives & Key Results (OKR) was in 2016, after a customer enthusiastically drew our attention to it. Since then, we have implemented it ourselves in the company and perfected it over the years.

OKR Workshop with Workpath

After initial contact with OKRs, our founder Christian began to train intensively as an OKR expert. One of the highlights was an OKR seminar organized by Workpath in Munich.

Want to get in contact?

Anfrage Zielfeuer.com

Then get in touch at office@zielfeuer.com or arrange a 15-minute introductory call with one of our coaches.

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